Changes To My Study Program


I think that the Architecture Career needs some reforms to improve the quality of both the student and the subject we pass and how we learn, it is very important the branches we have and the equality of conditions that arises at the time of passing the contents between sections and or teachers since in some branches the gap of content and the way of teaching is very large that some students in a section they can be repeated and in other sections they all pass with averages with grades above 5 or 6.

The current branches are fine most but there are some fillers that do not achieve the programmed learning objectives, and only become tedious or one more task within the discipline.

On the other hand, in Chile and in this university specifically the number of years is very wide reaching 6 years, but normally the career is extended by various problems that may be had and finally the studies are finished in more time

Related to the repetition of branches are the scholarships and uses of these that have a fundamental role for the payment of our studies that do not allow extensions of the scholarships when the percentage of students who graduate with the right years of the career is very low

As for the use of technologies I am amazed in this situation, the use of programs in the first semesters and the intuitive learning that is created when using them, I have enjoyed the experience of digital tools to capture much better the idea I have and be more precise with my representation.
